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Keeping in touch

We'd love to keep you up to date on the work your support makes possible. Sign up to the Cancer Research Wales e-newsletter and hear about our latest news, exciting project developments and ways to get involved.

Keeping in touch

Your support matters, and we’d love to keep in touch with you about our research and other ways you can help make a difference to people affected by cancer in Wales, including campaigning, fundraising and volunteering. We will stay in contact by post every now and again unless you ask us not to do so by using the contact details below.

Please let us know if you’re also happy to hear from us by email:

You can opt out at any time, so if you change your mind about hearing from us, or how we contact you, please phone us on 02921 855050 or email us at

We promise to keep your details safe and will never sell them to any third parties. Your information may be processed on our behalf by carefully selected suppliers. Please see our Privacy Policy to find out more about your rights, and how we manage, use and look after your personal information.